Wednesday 30 March 2016


We went to the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens on a photography Excursion.

In each section of the gardens I gave a theme and a photographic challenge, or apply photographic principles.

Quirky Portraits

Around the Chinese Gardens students were encouraged to use different angles and framing to take quirky portraits.  

Amazing Nature

Around the lake the theme was Amazing Nature.  The photographic challenge was to use Macro and to use reflections.  Here are some of the results.

The Perfect Moment

Around the Japanese Gardens the theme was to find the perfect moment.  This was more open to interpretation.  
A student using new angles down by the water. 

A students looking under a bridge with his camera.
An erie effect using the reflection in the water.

Students were using many of the previous principles of photography, such as framing and fun portraits.

Students were also getting comfortable with directing their subjects, using different modes on their cameras and making choices with black and white or colour.

Using fish eye.

The Botanic Gardens offered many opportunities for students to engage with each other in a wide array of environments.  There was water, animals, interesting structures, beautiful plants.